Electrical Panel Repair and Replacement in Monterey Park for LESS!

My Monterey Park Electrician Hero is a full-service electrical repair and replacement company operating in the greater Monterey Park area for over 20 years. Our quality services include electrical panel repair, replacement, and inspection so that you can live in your home without worries. We care about your safety and that you’re getting the most out of your electricity. If you are concerned about your electrical system, give us a call right away.

We’ll send a licensed, local Monterey Park electrician to your home or place of business today. We have the tools to evaluate the most complex electrical issues and the skills to make safe, lasting repairs. Whether you have a couple of outlets that don’t work anymore or you’re dealing with frequent power surges, we have answers.

Call for Electrical Panel Repair Today

Electrical panels need to be serviced every once in a while. Panels with overloaded circuits or panels that are poorly wired can cause power surges that kill your appliances. In a worst case scenario, you could end up with an electrical fire that puts your family and structure at risk. Luckily, these scenarios can be prevented. A simple call placed to My Monterey Park Electrician Hero can mean the difference between safety and a tragic accident.

Why You Should Consider Electrical Panel Replacement

Many homes in the Monterey Park area were built prior to 1950. These homes are at a higher risk of developing electrical fires because they typically still have the original electrical system in place. Older systems are not designed to meet today’s demand for electricity. Homes built mid-20th century often lack sufficient outlets and ampage.  This lack of power leads to system overload and failure.

Don’t think you’re entirely out of the woods if you have a newer home. Even new builds may need to have sub-panels or a second main panel installed if you’ve built an addition or finished a basement. If your home exceeds 2,000 square feet after renovations are complete and you’re still operating using a 200-amp breaker, give us a call. Let us evaluate your system to see if you could benefit from increasing your home’s power capacity.

Call Your Monterey Park Expert Today for a Complete Evaluation

Electricity is complex and requires exact knowledge and skill to ensure your system is safely connected. Don’t try to make repairs or upgrade your main electrical panel. Call a certified, trained, and insured electrician in Monterey Park.

For an estimate or system evaluation, give us a call today. We have customer service specialists answering the phones around the clock to provide you with fast personal and professional service.